

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Dogs, death, blessings, Van Life

 So most of you know we adopted 2 puppies last Sept. A brother and sister, we call Obi and Grace. They turned our world upside down but for the better. Yeah sure at first there was some doubt and we cried a lot when they bite us. 

Ate EVERYTHING they could find to chew on. Go outside and play and come inside to pee. (obi)

After losing Bella last August was really hard. We knew it was coming. She had been sick all her life. We adopted her from the same place we got Obi & Grace. I knew she was the one first day. We got Bella because the dog before her Carlee had died of stomach cancer. Her death was sudden too. She started getting sick on a Monday and by Thursday she was gone. She knew it and so did I. Our vet said that during the surgery that the cancer had eaten all the way through her stomach. He said she wouldn't have lived much longer and made the decision not to wake her up. It was a good decision. I got to say good bye to her earlier that day. She kissed me and lay her head on my shoulder. I told her I loved her. It was hard. Losing a pet is never easy. So a few months later we got Bella. She was perfect for me. She had a relationship with my mom and my stepdad. It was sweet to watch how she helped heal everyone's hearts. We had our poodles during that time but they too were getting older and not going well. Kati-sara was the mom and Abraham was the dad and Zechariah was one of the babies we decided to keep. He was the runt of the babies, Mimi (my mom's friend adopted her) was the biggest and chunky. There was 5 pups born. 1 girl and 4 boys. The others went to friends we know. Clancy went to Katie, Zech went to Donna & Casey, one went to a neighbor but I forget what they named him. They had been getting worse. Kati had kidney issues.. She died first. She died in my mom's arms at home. Well she had a faint heartbeat at the vets and was put to sleep. Zech was next. Zech was my buddy. I had taught him how to talk and taught him how to give high fives and other tricks.. I was there when we put him to sleep. Was the greatest and hardest at the same time..he was suffering with different stuff for awhile. So he licked my nose and put his paw on my hand and then he was gone. Remembering this feeling brought back so much for me. Now I am crying. I'll be back later.

Later... Abe was the last to die. He was the sweetest boy. He had a habit of peeing all over the house because of kidney problems. The medicines he had to take. Bless his heart. Thinking back to those days. He couldn't help it. Anyway a few days before he passed away he came into my room and hung out on the bed with me. He laid down and stayed with me. It was nice. I loved on him and talked to him. It was nice. A few days later he got worse and they had to put him to sleep. We got each dog creamated and now they all sit on top of our fireplace mantel. All the poodles, Carlee, and now Bella. We've talked about doing a secret garden in this area in the backyard to put some flowers and a bench. Use some of their ashes around there favorite tree and other areas they loved. This one pecan tree that all the dogs have loved going to. All of the dogs and even now with Bubba and Grace. They love that tree. Lay under it. Play around it.. it's peaceful at that tree. 

I am sharing these thoughts and stories to let others know about stuff in our lives. It's for family and friends and people I have never met. I pray everyday that God use me whenever and wherever. I surrender my life to him. I want others to relate to what I have been through. I hope and pray it blesses you. I will talk about my mental health. I am tired of suffering in silence these last few years. My words will help someone else who is suffering realize they don't have to continue suffering anymore. Bring light back into those dark and dusty places.

I'm ending now. Please post comments and tell me your stories. I can share your story if you want me to but never use your name.. I want to do a little of this and that. Girl chatting, food talks, recipes, reading the bible, things that inspire you, things that make you sad, stuff that strengthen you. 

Welcome to my blog. I'll also be starting my Van Life blogging too. Share my adventures with photos and drawings. This is new for me. I don't ever share my personal life with strangers. I hope to call you all friends soon.